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Get to Know Us

We recognize that parents are the primary educators of their children, and they are uniquely gifted by God with the ability to fulfill this mission. When a family is willing to answer the call to homeschooling, we can help by providing: 


  • A rigorous and thorough, but flexible curriculum and weekly plans. 

  • Instruction from caring and qualified tutors. 

  • Flexible structure to help keep schooling on track. 

  • Enrichment opportunities and extras to round out the educational experience. 

  • The support of a like-minded community. 

  • Unique opportunities for students to grow in fortitude, character, and confidence through their involvement in the daily work of the farm. 



Students will participate in the daily rhythm of farm life, including daily chores and seasonal projects - mud boots are mandatory!


Several outdoor classroom spaces enable us to be outside as much as weather permits, and regular outdoor nature study complements our Science curriculum.


At St. Isidore Academy, you will find a supportive community of families taking time to pray, play, and encourage one another in family life, faith, and the formation of our children.





We recognize that parents are the primary educators of their children, and our unique collaborative model supports parents with a rich and robust classical curriculum, instruction from tutors two days a week, weekly plans for at-home days, and a vibrant community of like-minded families.  Students attend class at St. Isidore Academy on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8:30 am-3:45 pm. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are at-home learning days. Subjects covered at St. Isidore Academy in K-8 are Phonics (K-4), Copywork/Dictation/Grammar, Writing (5th-8th), Latin, Theology, Science (Nature Study), History, Literature, Drama, Artist & Composer Study, Sacred Music. 



St. Isidore Academy is pleased to be able to partner with the University of Dallas as a pilot school for their classical Humanities curriculum for Grades K-8. The UD Curriculum restores the classical teaching methods of Oral Reading, Narration, Copywork, Dictation, Recitation, Socratic Discussions, Seminars, and Writing.  Through this rich course of study, our students are immersed in great works of art, literature, and music, and encouraged to seek and love what is True, Good, and Beautiful.  

Our High School students participate in the Great Books Program through Angelicum Academy.  This four-year course incorporates History, Literature, and Philosophy, and enables our students to earn college credit during their high school years.


All classes take place in our outdoor classrooms as much as weather permits. We encourage students to dress for the weather so that we can be outdoors for class and lunch breaks as often as possible. Indoor classrooms are available when it's too cold or wet to be outside. 





St. Isidore Academy is committed to faithful adherence to the Holy Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Students and faculty daily pray together parts of the Liturgy of the Hours, the Angelus, and celebrate feast days and holy days of the Catholic liturgical year. Our local Catholic parish priest comes to campus regularly to hear Confessions and celebrate the Holy Mass. The curriculum at St. Isidore provides a thorough catechesis and in-depth study of theology, so that all students will know and understand the Catholic faith.


We currently offer Soccer, Archery, and Cross Country as after-school sports at St. Isidore Academy.


The Farm

Our campus is located at Holleman Farms in Greenville, Texas, where our students and families work together to raise beef, chicken, pork, milk, eggs, honey, and seasonal produce.  After morning prayers each class day, we tackle the daily farm chores– rain or shine–feeding the chickens and pigs, collecting the eggs, milking the cows, working in the garden, and tasting the fruits of our labor year round!  


Outdoor Learning

All classes take place in our outdoor classrooms as much as weather permits.  We encourage students to dress for the weather so that we can be outdoors for class and lunch breaks as often  as possible.  Indoor classrooms are available when it’s too cold or wet to be outside.

St. Isidore Academy
2174 County Rd. 4106
Greenville, TX 75401


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